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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Gall stones

Gall stones are hard deposits that are formed in the gallbladder but it may migrate into the biliary tract.

Gallstones are present in about 10-20 % of the population with higher prevalence in females.

Risk factors:
1- Contraceptive pills
2- Obesity
3- Diabetes
4- Liver cirrhosis
5- Aging
6- High animal fat diet
7- Chronic haemolytic anemia
8- Rapid weight loss
1- Cholesterol gall stones (80 %)
2- Bile pigment stones (20%)
Symptoms and signs:
The majority of cases of gallstones are asymptomatic, discovered accidently by abdominal sonar, X-ray or surgery but if the stone is large the patient may suffer from:
1- Pain in the right upper abdomen
2- Jaundice
3- Fever
4- Abdominal fullness
Complications of gall stones:
1- Pancreatitis
2- Cholecystitis
3- Obstructive jaundice
4- Cholangitis
5- Increased risk for carcinoma
1- Chenodeoxycholic or ursodeoxychlich or both
2- Lithotripsy by extracorporeal shock
3- Dissolution by methyl ether
Cholecystectomy either laproscopic or minilaparotomy

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